Do you struggle to stay on track with your nutrition and fitness during the holiday season?
With the busy holiday season approaching, it’s easy to find reasons why we let healthy habits fall by the wayside.
There are four core pillars of health: nutrition, movement, sleep, and mindset.
I want to give you one tip for each pillar to help you stay mindful this holiday season.
1. Nutrition: Remember the plate method.
Half plate veggies, quarter protein, and quarter starch.

2. Movement: Set a goal for 30 minutes of daily movement.
This could be going for a 15-minute walk after lunch and dinner.
3. Sleep: Don’t let sleep fall to the back burner.
If you are going to have a late night, try to allow yourself time to sleep in or take a nap!
Mindset: Practice gratitude.
Start your day and end your day by saying or writing one thing you are thankful for.
You can’t pour from an empty cup.
In order to show up as your best self for loved ones and friends this season, you must remember to make yourself a priority!
What pillar is the toughest for you to stay on track with during the holiday season – nutrition, movement, sleep, or mindset?
If you would like support and accountability to help you flourish and not just survive the holiday season, book a free intro appointment HERE and talk about how you can continue to move in the direction of your goals.