Top 4 Reasons to Join WOTOWN in 2023

As we start off 2023, the “new year new me” crowd floods the gym. The 2 main reasons most people end up quitting shortly after starting is they get lost in the shuffle. They might join a larger gym, with no accountability and end up falling off track after a hard push in the beginning.


Others may try to change too many aspects of their lifestyle all at once, which becomes overbearing. This usually happens for people that are inexperienced and need coaching and accountability.


Joining WOTOWN FIT solves both of those issues. We are a small family based operation with an intimate member base. Our introductory no sweat intro is all about getting to know you, what you do for work, who your support system at home is etc. This way we can craft the best possible plan to make sure you’re having fun, staying on track, and getting in shape!


So here are the 4 main reasons why you should consider joining us in 2023.


Coaching & Built in Accountability


The main reason most fitness plans fail is a lack of desire or accountability. Accountability plays a MASSIVE role when trying to implement new and healthy habits. The benefit of having coaches hold you accountable is one of the main reasons community group fitness has taken off. At WOTOWN FIT we have systems in place to ensure that people do not slip through the cracks. Out for 10 days? You’ll get an email or text message checking in on you. Every 90 days we have individual goal setting consultations to recap what you’ve accomplished plus help to create a plan of action for the future. On top of the accountability our world class coaches have your back when it comes to workouts. You’ll never have to think about what to do again. Just show up ready to work hard and we will take care of the rest.


Building Strength & Endurance Simultaneously


Our program incorporates traditional cardiovascular implements such as rowing, running, biking and jumping rope in conjunction with weight training and calisthenics. The program involves heavy days (which are relative to the individual) along with interval training days, both long and short. The mixture of movements for power, speed and endurance create a potent and elegant solution that allows people to rapidly change body composition, build strength and improve endurance all at once.




The community aspect of WOTOWN FIT is what keeps people here long term. There are several facilities in the area where you can receive good coaching, but to have good coaching plus a place where people genuinely care about you is rare. Over the past 3 years we’ve seen life long friendships, marriages and babies as a result of the community. We also celebrate small and large victories every Friday in our community Facebook group via Bright Spots. We love to recognize the hard work and commitment our clients give day in and day out.


Fun, Challenging & Results Driven


I’m a big proponent of doing something challenging everyday. Our classes fit the bill. Come to WOTOWN FIT for a challenging workout that will push you out of your comfort zone but will allow you to have fun in a competitive atmosphere with like minded individuals who will become long term friends! One of the ways we make workouts even more fun is being a results driven gym. If you want to get stronger we will help you. If you want to lose weight, we will help you. If you want to get your first pull-up or run a mile without stopping we’ve got your back. We use a fun and interactive community app called Sugar WOD which helps our clients track their progress on their lifts and workouts. This way, when we repeat things in the future you can go back and beat your score.


We’ve taken all of our experiences both good and bad to try and create an atmosphere that is truly all inclusive and accepting. We really are a melting pot of different ages, races, genders, and skill levels that all come together with the goal of being our best self. If you’re interested in learning more about WOTOWN FIT and how we can help you, schedule a discovery call click here.